Determination of sound absorption coefficient of wood at different thickness as a function of frequency


  • Rose May Tampus ⋅ PH Physics Department, University of San Carlos
  • Florence Ramirez ⋅ PH Physics Department, University of San Carlos
  • Samantha Francine Cañete ⋅ PH Physics Department, University of San Carlos


This experiment has been designed to determine the sound absorption coefficient, α of wood sample of thickness 0.2 and 0.6 inches at different frequencies. The α of thin and thick plywoods at frequencies 660-1,000 Hz are within 0.90-0.98 and 0.82-0.90, respectively. The α of the wooden sample depends on the frequency of sound wave and sample thickness. The frequency range for which each wood slab has reached the maximum absorption coefficient αmax (>0.90) was likewise determined. The thinner sample attained its αmax at lower frequencies (660-
1,000Hz) while α is maximum at higher range of frequencies (1,000-2,000Hz) for the thicker sample.



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How to Cite

RM Tampus, F Ramirez, and SF Cañete, Determination of sound absorption coefficient of wood at different thickness as a function of frequency, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 31, SPP2013-PB-21 (2013). URL: