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The Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas (SPP) is a professional organization of physicists and physics educators in the Philippines. The SPP holds an annual Physics Congress that showcases research done by its members and their collaborators in nearly every field of physics. Full article manuscripts that are presented at the SPP Physics Congress are reviewed by peers and published in the Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas.
ISSN 2719-1621 (online)
Editorial Procedure and Blind Peer Review
Once manuscripts are received via SPP Paperview, members of the Publication Committee evaluate the submission and verify that the topic of the paper falls within the scope of the SPP Physics Congress.
If it does, the paper is sent to a Topical Editor with expertise in the relevant field of physics. The Topical Editor sends the manuscript to one or more referees for peer review. The referee must have an advanced degree in physics or an associated discipline, a scientific publication record on the relevant topic, or is a practicing professional in the field. The review process is single blind: the identities of the referees are not revealed to the authors.
Once the review is complete, the Topical Editor assesses the referee reports and determines whether the paper should be accepted, revised, or declined. The Topical Editor may initiate more rounds of review.
Upon acceptance, the paper is scheduled for presentation in one of the Conference sessions by the Scientific Program Committee.
The Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas is published annually to coincide with the SPP Physics Congress.
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Published by the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas
ISSN 2719-1621 (online)