
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Paperview currently accepts two submission types. During the submission process, please choose one of the two following options:

    1. Full Article submissions are sent out for blind peer-review before our Editors can decide on manuscript acceptance. Full Article submissions must use the current Proceedings Template available from the SPP Downloads page.

    2. Extended Abstract submissions will be editorially screened and presented in a separate poster session. These presentations will not be part of the online Proceedings, but will be printed in the Conference Handbook. Extended Abstract submissions are limited to 400 words and must be submitted in plain text.
  • Full Article authors must use the Proceedings Template and submit (1) a compressed file containing all necessary source and figure files needed to compile the article, and (2) a PDF version for the referees.
  • Full Article PDF manuscript does not exceed four (4) pages including references and appendices. No file can be larger than 5 MB.
  • Extended Abstract authors must submit a plain text abstract with at most 400 words. Extended Abstracts are not Full Articles, and will not be published online. They will be editorially screened, but not reviewed. Accepted Extended Abstracts will be presented as posters in the conference.
  • List of All Authors metadata must contain all author names, email addresses, and affiliations. They will be notified of this submission.
  • The submission complies with the Author Guidelines.
  • [New] The authors have declared and described their use of artificial intelligence AI tools for scientific idea and content generation at the end of their article, if any were used in this submission.
  • Please mention in the Comments for the Editor field your preference of submitting a poster or oral presentation and the email addresses of potential referees.

Author Guidelines

Submissions to the Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas must contain original work that is of interest to the physics community. Paperview currently accepts two submission types:

1. Full Article submissions are sent out for blind peer-review before our Editors can decide on manuscript acceptance. Full Article submissions must use the current Proceedings Template available from the SPP Downloads page. 

2. Extended Abstract submissions will be editorially screened and presented in a separate poster session. These presentations will not be part of the online Proceedings, but will be printed in the Conference Handbook. Extended Abstract submissions are limited to 400 words and must be submitted in plain text.


Research data involving human or animal participants
Authors whose manuscripts contain data collected from human or animal subjects must upload along with their initial submission a statement with institutional letterhead that contains the following declarations:

  • That the data was gathered in a manner consistent with the authors' institutional policy on data collection from human or animal subjects,
  • That the manner of data collection from human subjects and archiving conforms with the authors' institutional policy on data privacy and protection, and/or
  • That data collected from human subjects that are presented in the submission appears only in aggregate form and that no personally-identifiable information will be presented at the SPP Physics Conference.

Use of artificial intelligence AI tools
The authors must declare and describe their use of artificial intelligence AI tools for scientific idea and content generation at the end of their article, if any were used in this submission.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses submitted to this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of the journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.