Retention of cultural identity in a swarm of diverse agents
We propose a simple lattice model to understand the dynamics of culture retention over time. In this work, we represent the cultural identity as a set of zeroes and ones Ij = |I1j , I2j , . . . , ILj i, with each Ilj representing the absence or presence of the cultural element l (e.g. customs, traditions) in an individual agent j or collectively (entire swarm of agents, when j = 0). We place ns agents in a lattice, each with an information set whose components are determined by an initial error rate q0 common to all. The agents are allowed to move with global probability rate m and a global copy probability rate c (probability per iteration). We investigate the effects of m and c on the probability Φ(t) that the swarm still retains complete collective information (Il = 1 ∀ l ∈ [1, L]) and the error rate q(t) at some generation t in the future.