Essential skills and abilities needed in the workplace: an alumni survey for the BS Applied Physics program of the University of San Carlos


  • Cherile Yap ⋅ PH Department of Physics, University of San Carlos
  • Enriqueta Reston ⋅ PH University of San Carlos


This paper reports the essential skills and abilities needed in the current employment of the BS Applied Physics alumni while matching the extent these were learned within the program and the extent these were required. Data were collected through a survey questionnaire from 59 alumni and through semi-structured interviews of 6 employers. The relevant skills were identified as “transferable” skills. In comparing skills need against skills learned, paired samples t-tests were employed. The results indicated significant gaps in some skills. Implications on the development of these skills within the BS Applied Physics Curriculum were drawn and recommendations to bridge the gap were made.



Article ID



Physics Education



How to Cite

C Yap and E Reston, Essential skills and abilities needed in the workplace: an alumni survey for the BS Applied Physics program of the University of San Carlos, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 31, SPP2013-6C-4 (2013). URL: