Correlation of FTIR spectroscopy and antioxidant properties of Philippine coffee (Coffea excelsa)
FTIR spectroscopy integrated with ATR accessory was utilized to obtain the spectra of the local coffee samples. Different assays were also performed to obtain the antioxidant capacity of the samples. These assays were reducing power, total phenolic content, and DPPH free radical scavenging activity methods. From the acquired results, a correlation between the IR spectra and the antioxidant data was observed. Absorption bands at regions 3500 – 3200, 3000 – 2850, and 1750 – 1735 cm-1 were observed which corresponds to the O-H, C-H, and C=O stretches, respectively. Antioxidant levels were found to increase with decreasing roasting degrees. The data indicate correlation between the two techniques used since absorption was found to increase for samples with increasing antioxidant levels.