Estimation of DNA damage yields in BNCT by Monte Carlo track structure simulation


  • Masaaki Kaburagi ⋅ JP Nuclear Engineering and Management Department Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo
  • Ritsuko Watanabe ⋅ JP Japan Atomic Energy Agency
  • Akinari Yokoya ⋅ JP Japan Atomic Energy Agency
  • Mitsuru Uesaka ⋅ JP Nuclear Professional school of Engineering, University of Tokyo


Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is now received renewed interested therapy. However, biological experiments or clinical data for BNCT are much less than for other radiation therapies. It is important to evaluate the biological effectiveness of BNCT by understanding of initial process. In this study, the yields of chemical species after water radiolysis and DNA stand breaks in boron neutron capture reaction (BNCR) using Monte Carlo track structure method. As the results, the overlapping effect for the and can be negligible in chemical process. The yields of SSB and DSB are within the reasonable range by comparison with previous works of both experiment and simulation. However, there is significant difference between the simulation results and the available experimental data for BNCR.



Article ID



Computational Physics and Signal Processing



How to Cite

M Kaburagi, R Watanabe, A Yokoya, and M Uesaka, Estimation of DNA damage yields in BNCT by Monte Carlo track structure simulation, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 30, SPP2012-4C-2 (2012). URL: