Evaluation of neutron spectra in the Linear Accelerator Facility of the Philippine General Hospital using an Indium-based Multishell neutron spectrometer (In-MuNS)
The neutron energy spectra of the 10 megavolt linear accelerator at the Philippine General Hospital (PGH) were evaluated using an indium-based multi-shell neutron spectrometer (In-MuNS). Measurements were conducted by employing an indium foil central detector within several high-density polyethylene spherical shells irradiated under fixed conditions. Indium activation foils utilize the neutron detection reaction 115In(n,γ) 116mIn, emitting 116mIn gamma rays which were counted using a NaI(Tl) scintillation detector. Gamma spectrometry was then conducted to calculate the induced saturation activities. The Frascati Unfolding Interactive Tool (FRUIT) code, along with pre-validated In-MuNS response functions, were utilized to derive the neutron spectrum and ambient equivalent dose. The unfolding process revealed a total neutron fluence of 1.09×105 cm–2 Gy–1 at the isocenter, and 4.29×104 cm–2 Gy–1 at 70 cm away from the isocenter. The calculated ambient dose equivalent in air, H*(10), at the two locations are 17.75 µSv/Gy and 5.60 µSv/Gy. The results can support local medical physicists in radiation protection against neutron contamination in LINAC facilities.