Limits of Vortex Fiber Nulling


  • Ma. Janelle Guevarra Manuel National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman
  • Nathaniel Hermosa National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman


Stars are known to be partially coherent light sources and this might affect the efficiency of the nulling interferometry methods. In this paper, we investigate the limits of VFN measurements by calculating the spatial coherence of stars with exoplanets detected using direct imaging. We found that most stars with directly imaged exoplanets have spatial modes other than l = 0. While the weights of these spatial modes may appear small compared to potential planetary signals that will enter the fiber, such signals could still interfere with the planetary signal and alter planetary properties obtained using direct imaging.


Article ID



Poster Session D (Photonics and Instrumentation Physics)



How to Cite

MJG Manuel and N Hermosa, Limits of Vortex Fiber Nulling, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 42, SPP-2024-PD-19 (2024). URL: