Physics below the diffraction limit: From plasmas to light


  • Yohannes Abate ⋅ US Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Georgia, USA


Elementary interactions among elements such as electrons, phonons, and other quasiparticles in quantum materials give rise to the emergence of intriguing phases and offer enormous opportunities for the development of quantum technologies. However, investigating these interactions at the relevant length scale requires high-resolution methods beyond traditional far-field optical imaging and spectroscopy techniques, which are constrained by the diffraction limit of light. I will introduce a powerful modern nano-optical technique and give examples of high-resolution probing of nanoscale physical phenomena and interactions in two classes of quantum materials: correlated oxides and van der Waals (vdW) crystals.

About the Speaker

Yohannes Abate, Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Georgia, USA

Yohannes Abate is the Susan Dasher and Charles Dasher MD Professor of Physics at The University of Georgia and Founding Director of the Quantum Science & Engineering Program ( Abate's condensed matter physics research interests include investigation of nanoscale and quantum phenomena and interactions in two-dimensional materials, oxide materials, and quantum emitters. Particularly his group is fascinated by how non-equilibrium or collective quantum phenomena that occur at the atomic scale result in nanoscale emergent behavior in quantum materials. His group implements various terahertz, infrared, optical spectroscopy and scanning probe techniques with diffraction unlimited spatial resolution.



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How to Cite

Y Abate, Physics below the diffraction limit: From plasmas to light, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 42, SPP-2024-INV-2G-06 (2024). URL: