Research activities at the Center for Quantum Electronics, Institute of Physics, Vietnam


  • Hong Minh Pham ⋅ VN Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam


This talk comprises three parts. Firstly, I would like to introduce the research activities that are being conducted at the Center for Quantum Electronics, Institute of Physics (CQE, IOP). Currently, the CQE, IOP has three main research directions; namely (1) the development of laser sources aimed at improving their pulse duration characteristics, repetion rate, and pulse energy to suit various applications, (2) the development of ultra-fast and extremely sensitive spectroscopy methods for characterization of new optical materials, and lastly, (3) we work on the fabrication of nanoparticles and their applications.
The second part of the talk will summarize my group's efforts on the on the development on all solid-state ultraviolet laser sources. In particular, these include spectral effects such gain narrowing and spectral shifting using the chromatic Frantz–Nodvik model to simulate the amplification of broadband nanosecond UV pulses from a Ce:LiCAF crystal. From the simulation results, 5.5 mJ amplified pulses can be obtained using a 4-pass amplifier with seed pulses having 0.7 mJ pulse energy, 3 ns pulse duration and 288.5 nm peak wavelength. These values are in good agreement with experimental results.
Finally, I will exemplify an application of our Ce:LiCAF laser for determining SO2 gas concentration in the atmosphere. This is carried out using a DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) techniques Our results show that the DOAS system can accurately measure the ppm trace concentration of SO2 down to 6% error.

About the Speaker

Hong Minh Pham, Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam

Hong Minh Pham is the Director of the Center for Quantum Electronics of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology. He obtained his bachelor's degree in physics from Hanoi National University in 2001, his master's degree in physics from the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology in 2005 and PhD degree from the Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan (SOKENDAI) in 2008. His main research field is the development of lasers, amplifier systems and laser applications such as diode-pumped ps and fs solid-state lasers, all solid-state ultraviolet lasers, all solid-state high-power ultrashort lasers, all solid-state Raman lasers and also new laser materials.



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Invited Presentations



How to Cite

HM Pham, Research activities at the Center for Quantum Electronics, Institute of Physics, Vietnam, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 42, SPP-2024-INV-2D-02 (2024). URL: