Classifying galaxies in the Galaxy10 DECals dataset using Inception and Residual CNNs
Image data regarding galactic morphology is expected to increase both in quantity and quality for the next foreseeable years; thus it is important to explore which deep learning architectures adapted for image classification tasks are cost-effective. Residual and Inception networks are ideal for exploring classification convolutional neural networks (CNNs) due to their computational efficiency, achieved through techniques such as residual connections and parallelized inception modules, enabling deeper networks without excessively increasing computational complexity. In this work, we analyze the performance of ResNet101 and InceptionV4 on a spatially-augmented Galaxy10 DECals dataset. Retaining the ten-class classification of galaxies, we modify the image count of each class. We find that ResNet101 and InceptionV4 models achieved accuracies of ~90%, comparable with reported performance in the literature. In terms of performance metrics, ResNet101 is superior to InceptionV4. Our results indicate that either of these CNN architectures could serve as a robust foundation for specialized pipelines for classification of galaxy images from upcoming surveys.