Three-channel uniformized amplitude using Jost function formalism


  • Lleyton A. Mariscotes ⋅ PH National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman
  • Denny Lane B. Sombillo ⋅ PH National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman


Conventional quark model cannot be used to explain why currently observed hadron states are exotics. Exotic states appear as enhancements in scattering amplitudes which can be analyzed more rigorously in terms of poles in the S-Matrix theory. Considering three-channel scattering, we have 23 = 8 Riemann sheets due to the thresholds serving as branch points. We show that using the established two-channel and three-channel uniformization of momentum, we construct the S-matrix through the Jost function without using Mittag-Leffler expansion. We apply our uniformized amplitude to the invariant mass of D0D0π+. We found that by placing an isolated pole in the second Riemann sheet produces a peak at exactly the D*+D0. Another peak also emerged below second threshold which could be a consequence of a line shape distortion at the threshold.



Article ID



Poster Session C (Mathematical Physics, Optics, and Interdisciplinary Topics)



How to Cite

LA Mariscotes and DLB Sombillo, Three-channel uniformized amplitude using Jost function formalism, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 41, SPP-2023-PC-08 (2023). URL: