Transfer matrix method to solve for bound state energies of a one-dimensional quantum well system


  • Lou Aidan M. De Jesus ⋅ PH Department of Physical Sciences, Polytechnic University of the Philippines
  • Rhenish C. Simon ⋅ PH Physics Department, De La Salle University, Manila


Introductory quantum mechanics courses focus heavily on ideal models of quantum wells and not as much on finite cases more applicable in realistic semiconductor structures. The transfer matrix method (TMM) is a well known method for solving arbitrary finite well structures. This paper aims to re-examine the TMM as a pedagogy for analyzing quantum mechanical systems. We used the TMM to create a Python script that simulates arbitrary piecewise constant finite wells and calculates their eigenenergies. We then compared the simulated eigenenergies to their known analytic solutions. This contribution may serve as a guide to equip students and educators with a simple algorithm for analysis and visualization of quantum well systems.



Article ID



Poster Session C (Mathematical Physics, Optics, and Interdisciplinary Topics)



How to Cite

LAM De Jesus and RC Simon, Transfer matrix method to solve for bound state energies of a one-dimensional quantum well system, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 41, SPP-2023-PC-06 (2023). URL: