Blood flow assessment of aortic aneurysms implanted with stent graft using computational fluid dynamics
Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) pose a threat to one's life which is why early treatment procedures such as Endovascular Aneurysm Repair (EVAR) are advised. To further maximize EVAR treatments, we propose a pre-and post-treatment method by assessing the blood flow of patient-specific Untreated AAAs adopted from Miller et al. [J. Surg. Res. 252, 37 (2021)] and SG-Treated AAAs modeled by the proponents. A healthy abdominal aorta (HAA) was also introduced as a control model which will then be used for the baseline value. These models were imported to ANSYS Workbench 2022 R1 to be set up for CFD simulation. By looking at the contour planes, streamlines, and Reynolds numbers, it was observed that the velocity and behavior of the blood flow varied depending on the anatomy of the models. In conclusion, stent graft-treated AAAs provided better and improved hemodynamics than untreated AAAs due to their new healthy-like anatomy implying that the velocity and behavior of the blood flow are regulated.