Characterization of shore response to a groin field using TikTak and BFGS optimization algorithms


  • Arianna Bianca E. Brosas ⋅ PH Department of Physical Sciences, Polytechnic University of the Philippines
  • John Paul L. Santos ⋅ PH Department of Physical Sciences, Polytechnic University of the Philippines
  • Rhenish C. Simon ⋅ PH Physics Department, De La Salle University, Manila


The communities and infrastructure in coastal areas are exposed to the hazards of rising sea levels. It can induce powerful storm waves, which accelerate coastal erosion. To combat these impeding threats, the construction of a groin field is employed in some places. A groin field is a structure perpendicular to the shore designed for sand entrapment. In this work, we study the development of the shore before and after the implementation of the groin field in the coastal zone of Agoo, La Union. Our approach includes the use of the TikTak global optimization algorithm and the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) algorithm. We calculated the shore diffusivity and breaking wave angle that best describe the shoreline position for each year. The regions of the groin field with more transported sand are characterized by higher values of shore diffusivity and smaller breaking wave angles. Our research shows how the groin field influences the spreading of the shore and what conditions are driving the changes in our study area.



Article ID



Poster Session B (Complex Systems, Simulations, and Theoretical Physics)



How to Cite

ABE Brosas, JPL Santos, and RC Simon, Characterization of shore response to a groin field using TikTak and BFGS optimization algorithms, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 41, SPP-2023-PB-08 (2023). URL: