Observing gravitational-wave sources with space-based detectors


  • Alvin Chua ⋅ SG Department of Physics, National University of Singapore


Eight years on from LIGO's first detection of gravitational waves (GWs), astrophysical GW sources are now routinely observed by a growing network of ground-based detectors at both high and low frequencies. In the next decade, space interferometers such as the LISA mission will probe the mid-frequency GW band, where the richest population of sources radiate. My talk today will include a broad update on the present status of ground-based observing, followed by a brief introduction to the distinctive challenges of space-based GW astronomy. I will also discuss how modern computational and statistical techniques are being brought to bear on a variety of open problems in LISA scientific analysis.

About the Speaker

Alvin Chua, Department of Physics, National University of Singapore

Alvin Chua is an Assistant Professor at the National University of Singapore, and a member of the LISA Consortium's science core team. He has previously held postdoctoral appointments at Caltech and the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and obtained his Ph.D. at Cambridge in 2017. His current research interests are in gravitational-wave astrophysics and data analysis, data science and machine learning, as well as applied and computational statistics.



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How to Cite

A Chua, Observing gravitational-wave sources with space-based detectors, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 41, SPP-2023-INV-2E-01 (2023). URL: https://proceedings.spp-online.org/article/view/SPP-2023-INV-2E-01.