My Silver Jubilee at SPP: A look back at collaborations for 25 years


  • Norihiko Hayazawa ⋅ JP Surface and Interface Science Laboratory and Innovative Photon Manipulation Research Team, RIKEN Wakō


In 1998, during my PhD study in Osaka University, I had the fortune to join the Instrumentation Physics Laboratory (IPL) headed by Prof. Caesar Saloma in the National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman (NIP-UPD) as an exchange student for one year. Since then, our collaborations have been launched in various fields with many students/researchers/professors resulting in 44 papers co-authored with Filipino scientists. In 2016, I had a great honor to be an Adjunct Professor in NIP-UPD and we have successfully concluded a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between UPD and RIKEN in 2022 for further active collaborations to come. In this presentation, I look back at our collaborations for 25 years and summarize them for our future works.

About the Speaker

Norihiko Hayazawa, Surface and Interface Science Laboratory and Innovative Photon Manipulation Research Team, RIKEN Wakō

Norihiko Hayazawa is a Senior Research Scientist at Surface and Interface Science Laboratory and Innovative Photon Manipulation Research Team in RIKEN Japan. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Applied Physics in Osaka University in 2001. After serving as a postdoctoral fellow in JSPS and CREST-JST, he joined RIKEN as a research scientist in 2004 and was promoted as a Senior Research Scientist in 2009. He has also served as an adjunct professor at the National Institute of Physics (NIP) in the University of the Philippines Diliman since 2016. He has received various awards including, Elsevier Chemical Physics Letters Most Cited Paper Award (2008), The Spectroscopic Society of Japan Award for Young Scientist (2012), The Young Scientists' Prize from Ministry of Education in Japan (2012), and Best Paper Award of Optical Society of Japan (2013). His current research interests include near-field optics, plasmonic sensors, vibrational spectroscopy, nonlinear optics, quantum optics, and THz photonics.



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Invited Presentations



How to Cite

N Hayazawa, My Silver Jubilee at SPP: A look back at collaborations for 25 years, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 41, SPP-2023-INV-1H-02 (2023). URL: