The free time of arrival problem in quantum phase space


  • Dean Alvin L. Pablico ⋅ PH National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman
  • Eric A. Galapon ⋅ PH National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman


The theory of time of arrival (TOA) operators provides a general framework for incorporating the arrival time of a particle as a quantum observable within the rigged Hilbert space formulation of quantum mechanics. In this paper, we introduce a non-operator-based formalism by considering the arrival time problem of a free structureless particle in quantum phase space. We derive the corresponding arrival time expectation value and eigenvalue equation and show that our results correctly lead to the well-known predictions of the theory of TOA operators. This paper then offers a possibility of developing an alternative formalism that resolves quantum time of arrival problems using only c-numbers and real-valued functions instead of non-commuting operators.



Article ID



Theoretical and Mathematical Physics



How to Cite

DAL Pablico and EA Galapon, The free time of arrival problem in quantum phase space, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 41, SPP-2023-2H-05 (2023). URL: