Quantum DNA sequencing using Gaussian amplitude amplification


  • Richard A. Marin ⋅ PH Department of Physics, Mapúa University
  • Carlos F. Baldo III ⋅ PH Department of Physics, Mapúa University


DNA or genome sequencing is a computationally expensive task that is NP-hard to solve in the worst-case scenario. This study demonstrates how to use the quantum pathfinding algorithm called Gaussian Amplitude Amplification (GAA) to solve the sequencing problem in k = (π/4)(|S||S|)1/2 successive oracle and diffusion operator applications where |S| is the number of l-mers in the spectrum. The simulation for the case l = 2 with |S| = 4 further revealed that the probability of finding the optimal solution is approximately 71.97%. While this study only focused on the ideal scenario where there are no errors in the spectrum, the result of this study demonstrates the plausibility of using GAA as a genome sequencing method.



Article ID



Theoretical and Mathematical Physics



How to Cite

RA Marin and CF Baldo, Quantum DNA sequencing using Gaussian amplitude amplification, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 41, SPP-2023-2H-03 (2023). URL: https://proceedings.spp-online.org/article/view/SPP-2023-2H-03.