Jitter-based method for Hubble function reconstruction


  • J.C. Albert Peralta ⋅ PH Independent Researcher, Philippines
  • Reinabelle Reyes ⋅ PH National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman
  • Reginald Christian Bernardo ⋅ TW Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica


The application of noncanonical statistical methods in cosmology have gained popularity lately, in particular as a way to independently assess the tensions in the standard cosmological model. In line with this, we introduce 'jitter reconstruction' (JR) as a means of taking into consideration the uncertainties in the data set, and apply this to test the robustness of standard curve-fitting together with mock expansion rate samples. Using this method, we reconstructed the Hubble function and compared this with the result from the more commonly-used Gaussian processes method. We present fair conclusions regarding the size of the resulting uncertainties, but also discuss the limitations anchored on the present work.



Article ID



Cosmology and Astrophysics



How to Cite

JA Peralta, R Reyes, and RC Bernardo, Jitter-based method for Hubble function reconstruction, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 41, SPP-2023-2D-03 (2023). URL: https://proceedings.spp-online.org/article/view/SPP-2023-2D-03.