Photon trajectories in an asymmetric Majumdar-Papapetrou spacetime


  • Jhon Delo L. Procurato ⋅ PH National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman
  • Sean C. Fortuna ⋅ PH National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman
  • Michael Francis Ian G. Vega II ⋅ PH National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman


We study the motion of a photon that starts from the midpoint of two extremely charged stationary black holes. We investigate how the initial launching angle α and the mass of black holes determines the fate of the photon. We find that varying the mass ratio of the black holes modifies the fate of a specific photon trajectory. Furthermore, we present an exit basin diagram that depicts the final destination of a photon trajectory for a given initial condition. This basin diagram possesses a Cantor-like fractal structure that indicates chaos in the photon trajectories. Lastly, we calculate the proportion of trapped and free photons for all values of initial launching angle α with varying mass ratio. We find that the fraction of photon escapes is relatively insensitive to the mass ratio.



Article ID



Cosmology and Astrophysics



How to Cite

JDL Procurato, SC Fortuna, and MFIG Vega, Photon trajectories in an asymmetric Majumdar-Papapetrou spacetime, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 41, SPP-2023-1G-06 (2023). URL: