RS-GIS-based integrated analysis on risks to climate change and disasters


  • Gemma Teresa T. Narisma† ⋅ PH Manila Observatory and Department of Physics, Ateneo de Manila University
  • May Celine Thelma M. Vicente ⋅ PH Manila Observatory
  • Joel Tiu Maquiling ⋅ PH Manila Observatory and Department of Physics, Ateneo de Manila University


The severe impact of extreme weather events in Iloilo City, Davao City, and Davao Oriental have illustrated the importance not only of early warning systems, but also that of a critical understanding of pre-existing exposures and vulnerabilities. Extreme events such as super typhoons and severe local thunderstorms have highlighted the need for an integrated risk approach for tackling disaster and climate change resilience. This research applied a holistic approach through an RS-GIS-based risk analysis. The results of the Hazard-Exposure-Vulnerability (HEV) matching in local communities can be used to help strategize climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and management options as well as facilitate the mainstreaming of these into the local development of hazard assessment tools and disaster preparedness programs in pilot sites.

About the Speaker

Joel Tiu Maquiling, Manila Observatory and Department of Physics, Ateneo de Manila University

Joel Tiu Maquiling is a tenured faculty member and resident geophysicist at the School of Science and Engineering, Ateneo de Manila University. He holds a PhD in Geophysics (Universita degli Studi di Padova, Italy), MSc in Physics (Ateneo) and BSc in Physics (PNC). He is currently Associate Chair and Associate Professor of the Ateneo Department of Physics. Dr.~Maquiling concurrently holds the position of Physics Programs Coordinator and Head of the Ateneo Geophysics Research (Geo-R) Laboratory. He mentors and advises both undergraduate and graduate students in research dealing with geohazards and modeling, modeling the behavior of geophysical fluids (including the aerosolization of the SARS-CoV-2), granular matter behavior and dynamics, rheology, theoretical and computational fracture mechanics, seismology, soil physics, and soil stability analysis. He is a member of the Disaster Science research team of the Ateneo Research Institute of Science and Engineering (ARISE) and is a consultant of the OML Climate Center for building resilient communities. He is also an active member of the Ateneo Science Education program.



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Invited Presentations



How to Cite

GTT Narisma†, MCTM Vicente, and JT Maquiling, RS-GIS-based integrated analysis on risks to climate change and disasters, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 40, SPP-2022-INV-3F-03 (2022). URL: