Shedding light on dark matter at the Large Hadron Collider


  • Marvin M. Flores ⋅ PH National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman


One of the open problems in fundamental physics is the nature of dark matter. Searches at the Large Hadron Collider attempt to shed light on this invisible form of matter, as they have successfully done for ordinary matter. However, dark matter remains elusive to this day, evading the hunt from collider and non-collider searches alike. In this talk, we present some of the works at the collider and phenomenology side in order to corner dark matter and narrow down the parameter space where it can hide.

About the Speaker

Marvin M. Flores, National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman

Marvin Flores obtained his BS Physics degree from Silliman University graduating summa cum laude. He finished his MS degree and obtained his PhD in Physics from the National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman, where he was awarded the Most Outstanding PhD Graduate of the College of Science. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the National Institute of Physics having returned from his Postdoctoral Research Fellowship on high energy physics at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, under a grant from The World Academy of Sciences. He is also part of the ATLAS Collaboration at CERN and heads the ATLAS Group that is based in the Philippines, which recently become a member. Dr. Flores is actively pursuing searches of physics signatures beyond the Standard Model for signs of supersymmetry, extra dimensions, dark matter, and others.



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Invited Presentations



How to Cite

MM Flores, Shedding light on dark matter at the Large Hadron Collider, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 40, SPP-2022-INV-2D-01 (2022). URL: