Against uncertainty – Some remarks about mathematical physics


  • Ludwig Streit ⋅ DE Independent Researcher, Germany


My acquaintance with the Bernidos dates back to the year of 1985 when we met at an international meeting at my university in Germany. That meeting was on the Feynman integral. This is one of the most important computational tools in large parts of theoretical physics, and beyond. They have been and still are a challenge for the mathematician, and hence a good starting point for reflection on the role and use of mathematics for the working physicist, student, teacher, or researcher.

About the Speaker

Ludwig Streit, Independent Researcher, Germany

Ludwig Streit was a Physics professor at Bielefeld University in Germany, where he served as the Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) and the Research Center for Stochastics and Applications (BiBoS). He obtained his Ph.D. in Physics at the University of Graz, Austria. He also held positions at ETH Zurich, Syracuse University, Bell Laboratories, and at Universidade do Minho in Portugal. Dr. Streit is a renowned expert in the fields of infinite dimensional and stochastic analysis, quantum field theory, few-body physics, and more recently polymer physics. His work was instrumental in the creation of white noise analysis as a powerful mathematical tool in infinite-dimensional and stochastic analysis. He was awarded with the title of Honorarprofessor by the University of Graz, Honorary Professorship at MSU−IIT, and Doctor honoris causa at the Universidade de Madeira.



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How to Cite

L Streit, Against uncertainty – Some remarks about mathematical physics, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 40, SPP-2022-INV-2B-04 (2022). URL: