Plasma physics research and contextualized science education in the Amianan


  • Giovanni M. Malapit ⋅ PH Department of Physical Sciences, University of the Philippines Baguio


The Plasma Physics Laboratory at the University of the Philippines Baguio bolstered its research culture, capability, and productivity. Although students are exposed to and trained in plasma science and technology, most people in the region find difficulty relating to the research venture eliciting only mild appreciation. When the background of activities is delivered and discussed in the native tongue, more stakeholders take interest. This phenomenon prompted the idea to translate the research undertaking into Ilokano, the lingua franca in Northern Luzon, Philippines. The idea became a vision to look at the possibility of teaching physics in Ilokano and get an insight into how a mother tongue can enhance the appreciation of science. There were consultations with stakeholders to assess the support of the community at large. Initial surveys reveal that although the idea is palatable, there will be challenges to overcome in explaining concepts in purely Ilokano language.

About the Speaker

Giovanni M. Malapit, Department of Physical Sciences, University of the Philippines Baguio

Giovanni Malapit is a Professor of Physics at the University of the Philippines Baguio. He graduated with a degree in BS Physics-Mathematics at UP Baguio (1996), MS Physics (2001), and PhD Physics (2015) at the National Institute of Physics in UP Diliman. He specializes in experimental plasma physics, including characterization of plasmas, synthesis of carbonaceous materials, plasma-material interactions, and negative metal ion beam profiling. He established the Plasma Physics Laboratory at UP Baguio in 2016, where students and collaborators can perform experiments for their theses and projects. He is currently working on mother tongue-based fundamental physics modules and a dictionary for K-12, Alternative Learning System, and Out-of-School-Youth-and-Adult students to share physics with the Ilokano-speaking barrios and villages in North Luzon, Philippines.



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How to Cite

GM Malapit, Plasma physics research and contextualized science education in the Amianan, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 40, SPP-2022-INV-2A-02 (2022). URL: