Scaled Brownian motion as transient behavior of individual particle diffusion due to multiple probe-to-probe collisions


  • Adrielle Theresa DL. Cusi ⋅ PH National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman
  • Caesar A. Saloma ⋅ PH National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman


We investigate the possible transient effect of elastic probe-to-probe collisions on the diffusion of individual probes and ensembles through the changes in the diffusion coefficient D and the anomalous exponent α . Coefficient D quantifies the diffusion speed of the system while exponent α measures the deviation from normal diffusion or pure Brownian motion (BM) where: α = 1 indicates pure BM, and α ≠ 1 indicates anomalous diffusion (AD) or scaled BM. We modeled originally pure BM ensembles subjected to collisions using a combination of time-driven BM and event-driven collisions algorithms. Using the time-averaged mean-squared displacement analysis technique of the scaled BM theory, we measured Diso and αiso from the collision-less pure BM trajectories, and Dcol and αcol from the collision-laden trajectories. Results show that the ensemble- and individual probe-levels of diffusion slow down (Dcol < Diso) due to collisions. At the ensemble-level, there is persistence of pure BM (αcol ≈ αiso = 1) despite collisions. Results at the individual-level reveal that the ensemble pure BM behavior is due to the dominant pure BM-behaving probes in the population. Yet, a significant fraction of the particle population exhibited AD (αcol ≠ αiso) at short sampling periods of T < 4590 time intervals. As T increases, the ensembles eventually reach a steady-state condition where all probes diffuse normally. We conclude that probe-to-probe collisions cause the transient AD of individual particles at short T. Thus, anomalous diffusion emerges even without complex attractive and repulsive probe-probe and probe-medium interactions.



Article ID



Complex Systems and Data Analytics



How to Cite

ATD Cusi and CA Saloma, Scaled Brownian motion as transient behavior of individual particle diffusion due to multiple probe-to-probe collisions, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 40, SPP-2022-3G-02 (2022). URL: