Investigating Chladni patterns through a tabletop point-driven Chladni setup: Simulations and experiments


  • David Bryan C. Lao ⋅ PH Division of Physical Sciences and Mathematics, University of the Philippines Visayas
  • Maricor N. Soriano ⋅ PH National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman


In this study, we investigated Chladni patterns numerically and experimentally using a tabletop point-driven Chladni setup for four wave numbers: 4.24 πa−1, 5.14 πa−1, 5.82 πa−1, 6.16 πa−1. Using numerical simulations (utilizing theoretical values) as basis, we were able to obtain the experimental frequencies fexp (in Hz) as follows: 852, 1387, 1680, 1883, corresponding to the resonant modes of the thin aluminum plate (a = 200 mm, d = 1 mm).  Our work shows that it is feasible to conduct advanced resonance experiments at home using common tools. These experiments can be utilized by advanced undergraduate or even graduate students in a research-from-home setup.



Article ID



Physics Education



How to Cite

DBC Lao and MN Soriano, Investigating Chladni patterns through a tabletop point-driven Chladni setup: Simulations and experiments, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 40, SPP-2022-3D-04 (2022). URL: