Characterization and synthesis of classical reversible circuits


  • Joanne Mae Bautista Adelino ⋅ PH National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman
  • Ronald Sedilla Banzon ⋅ PH National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman


Irreversible circuits were transformed into their equivalent reversible circuits. The resulting reversible circuits were optimized using a synthesis method proposed by Miller, Maslov, and Dueck, and a line reduction algorithm proposed by Wille, Soeken, and Drechsler. The application of the line-reduction algorithm reduced the number of circuit lines from 5 to 4. The effect of the line-reduction algorithm on the matrix representation of the original circuit was shown to preserve the reversibility of the function. It was also shown that only the matrix representation of a circuit or cascade of gates is needed to determine the operation of its n successive applications, which may be useful in length reduction of reversible circuits.



Article ID



Computational Physics and Simulations (Short Presentations)



How to Cite

JMB Adelino and RS Banzon, Characterization and synthesis of classical reversible circuits, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 38, SPP-2020-4A-04 (2020). URL: