Spin wave self-energy calculations with vertex corrections


  • Marcielow Jocson Callelero ⋅ PH Department of Physics, University of San Carlos
  • Danilo Yanga ⋅ PH Department of Physics, University of San Carlos


The spin wave self-energy function with vertex corrections is investigated in this paper using the spin polaron formulation. We implement the theory in the finite temperature (Matsubara) Green's function method in a representation where holes are described as spinless fermions and spins as normal bosons. The spins are characterized by hard-core bosonic operators in linear spin wave theory via the Holstein-Primakoff transformation. The hole-spin wave interaction in the spin polaron Hamiltonian is analogous to the conventional polaron problem and used as the interaction term in the S-matrix expansion. A general expression for the spin wave self-energy function is obtained by first determining the vertex corrections using the Feynman diagrammatic technique, and then evaluated all Matsubara frequency summations by contour integrations.



Article ID



Theoretical and Mathematical Physics



How to Cite

MJ Callelero and D Yanga, Spin wave self-energy calculations with vertex corrections, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 37, SPP-2019-1G-02 (2019). URL: https://proceedings.spp-online.org/article/view/SPP-2019-1G-02.