Granular thermometer from a simulation of two interacting granular systems


  • Dionessa Castillo Biton ⋅ PH National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman
  • Johnrob Yap Bantang ⋅ PH National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman


We formulate a way of having a granular thermometer using cellular automata simulation of the interaction of two different granular materials through an elastic boundary. The packing fraction and pressure of the unknown granular material can be measured from its interaction with a granular material of a known packing fraction, pressure, and kinetic energy. A calibration curve of the movement of the elastic boundary was obtained for a totally elastic system with no driving. The curve was from the final boundary location representing a change in the volume of one of the systems. The final location of the boundary was found to go towards the direction of the system with a smaller packing fraction. This result could be used to identify the packing fraction of an unknown granular system given the packing fraction of a known system and the steady state volume of the known system after interaction. The volume of the system is equal on average when the packing fraction is equal on both sides however, the standard deviation was observed to vary for different values of the packinn fraction. A peak in the standard deviation was observed at 1/16.



Article ID



Poster Session B (Complex Systems, Simulations, and Theoretical Physics)



How to Cite

DC Biton and JY Bantang, Granular thermometer from a simulation of two interacting granular systems, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 36, SPP-2018-PB-32 (2018). URL: