Dawn of quantum computing


  • Yutaka Shikano ⋅ JP Quantum Computing Center, Keio University


Recently, there have been newly-developed quantum computing devices. In this talk, I would like to review the history of quantum computing and introduce the actions in Japan for quantum computing.

About the Speaker

Yutaka Shikano, Quantum Computing Center, Keio University

Yutaka Shikano is a project associate professor at the Quantum Computing Center of Keio University. He obtained his PhD degree from the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2011. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Tokyo Institute of Technology with the support of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Later, he became a research associate professor at the Institute for Molecular Science (Okazaki) of the National Institutes of Natural Sciences and a project associate professor at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology of the University of Tokyo. His main research interests are quantum foundations in theoretical physics, molecular science, and mathematical physics.



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Invited Presentations



How to Cite

Y Shikano, Dawn of quantum computing, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 36, SPP-2018-INV-3E-03 (2018). URL: https://proceedings.spp-online.org/article/view/SPP-2018-INV-3E-03.