Kinematic reconstruction of the charged Higgs boson mass in the H⁺ → tb̅ process using a likelihood technique


  • John Adrian Nacional Villanueva ⋅ PH National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman


An extension of the Standard Model of particle physics is the introduction of two Higgs doublets to break electroweak symmetry instead of a single Higgs boson. This results in a couple of Higgs bosons, including a charged scalar, H±. The H+ is produced as a mediator in a scattering process of a top quark and a bottom quark from two gluons. This research is focused on how to reconstruct the mass of the H+ boson using a novel statistical method based on weighting every single possible combination of the final state products corresponding to a weighted average mass per event. Histograms of the invariant mass of the H+ are produced using simulated datasets with different H+ truth mass. It is found that low truth masses produces histograms with higher peaks, which gradually flattens as the truth mass is increased. A separation between signal and background events can be distinguished at higher truth mass at the cost of having a flatter distribution for the signal events. This research was done using simulated data from the ATLAS experiment.



Article ID



Complex Systems and Data Analytics



How to Cite

JAN Villanueva, Kinematic reconstruction of the charged Higgs boson mass in the H⁺ → tb̅ process using a likelihood technique, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 36, SPP-2018-1B-06 (2018). URL: