Analysis of indoor temperature profiles at the Kawilihan gallery of UP Vargas Museum


  • Varsolo C. Sunio ⋅ PH National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman
  • Maricor N. Soriano ⋅ PH National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman


We report the results of our indoor temperature monitoring of the Kawilihan Gallery of UP Vargas Museum. Temperature readings were obtained using forty LM35 temperature sensors placed at various locations in the gallery. Data were gathered over a course of two months, from February to March 2009, allowing investigation of the effects of various factors to the museum microclimate: solar heat forcing, large visitor occupancy and external climatic condition such as typhoons and seasonal changes. Analysis is done using the temperature readings taken only from the four sides of the gallery – the north, south, east and west sides. Temperature peaks at all four sides usually occur at around 3:00PM – with the south side heating up fastest in February by 0.43°C/hr. This is expected since the sun exerts heat forcing more on the south side. Large visitor occupancy caused the temperature plot over a 24-hour period to peak twice: one in the morning at 11:00AM and another in the afternoon at 2:00PM. To analyze the impact of external climatic condition, we bin the daily temperature data by hour, and select the 1-2PM bin for analysis. In February, which is the cool dry reason, the average temperature is lower than that of March, which is the hot dry season, by 2.62°C. Starting mid-February, the temperature begins to rise and levels off in March. Motivation for this study is geared towards the development of non-invasive methods of art conservation.



Article ID



Optics and Numerical Modeling



How to Cite

VC Sunio and MN Soriano, Analysis of indoor temperature profiles at the Kawilihan gallery of UP Vargas Museum, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 27, SPP-2009-7B-01 (2009). URL: