Academe-Industry linkages in the semiconductor and electronics industry
SEIPI (the Semiconductor and Electronics Industry in the Philippines, Inc.) is the organization of local Semiconductor and Electronics manufacturing and support companies. It has 99 regular members, and 115 associate members. ASEMEP (the Association of Semiconductor and Electronics Manufacturing Engineers of the Philippines) is the organization under SEIPI that aims to promote networking and knowledge sharing among the engineering and technical professionals in the industry.
The local SEIPI companies have transitioned from what used to be labor-intensive manufacturing operations, to high value-added engineering and technology intensive operations that require a constant supply of highly trained engineering and S&T graduates. The SEIPI companies have individually and collectively embarked on linkages with the academe to address this need, and these linkages have taken many forms. SEIPI has embarked on a unified competency development strategy that aims to promote and influence the rationalization of engineering, science and technology education to make these more meaningful and relevant to what industry needs.