Digital electronics exercises using fabricated digital training boards
To enhance the high school physics curriculum, electronics had been included in the list of topics to be taken by high school physics students. Due to the limited or lack of background in electronics, high school teachers often omit the topic in their lessons. Those who include electronics, limit their discussions to the description of electronic gadgets around them. During the laboratory periods, students oftentimes are taught only how to construct a power supply or a transistorized radio using available kits without really knowing the electronics behind such devices. The only skills gained by the students are mounting and soldering the components to the printed circuit board or at best the skill in following diagrams accompanying the kits.
This workshop will try to introduce basic digital electronics to high school teacher participants through hands-on exercises using low-cost improvised training boards. With the improvised digital training board and accompanying exercise manual, it is hoped that high school teachers attending the workshop will be able to learn basic digital electronics and use the materials for more advanced exercises. The same materials could be used by the workshop participants to teach their students some useful concepts and skills in digital electronics through handson exercises when they come back to their schools.
The workshop will not make experts in electronics out of the high school physics teachers but hopefully will help them gain additional skills and concepts in electronics which will make them better teachers.