Response of black garden ants, Lasius niger to different sound frequencies (0, 500, 1k, 10k, 50k, 100k, 250k and 500k Hz)
This study was conducted to determine the response of black garden ants, Lasius niger to different sound frequencies (0, 500, 1k, 10k, 50k, 100k, 250k and 500k Hz). Three trials consisting of three replicates were conducted. The response of the ants to the different frequencies were compared to their response to sugar for 2 minutes. The set up was devised such that at any given trial the ants can choose between the audio source or sugar, as well as between audio and a region without audio source. Results show that black garden ants are more attracted to 1k, 250k and 500k Hz than sugar or zero frequency (no sound). There is a significant difference on the response of the black garden ants to frequencies compared to no sound (zero frequency) or to sugar at α = 0.5.