Synthesis of MgO on stainless steel substrates in a magnetized sheet plasma source
The deposition of MgO on stainless steel substrate treated with oxygen-argon gas ratio of 1:1 at a total filling pressure of 14 mTorr in 30 minutes deposition time using magnetized sheet plasma source is investigated.
The substrate is stainless steel scrubbed with 1000 grit silicon carbide and sonicated for 15 minutes. The substrates are pre-treated with Ar and O plasma at discharge current of 3−4 A, discharge potential of 126−144 V and a treatment time of 5, 15 and 30 minutes in order to determine the effect of treatment time to surface morphology and EDX spectrum. Pretreatment creates some etching effect on the surface of the substrates that is favorable to the deposition of MgO.
The XRD pattern and EDX spectrum has shown successful MgO deposition on the surface of the substrate.