Optimization studies of a 2.45 GHz microwave argon plasma with varying distances between two repelling hexapoles
The electron density and electron temperature of a new 2.45 GHz microwave argon plasma device were determined for different stub tuner settings and different separation distances between its two repelling hexapoles to establish the optimum settings for the device. Measurements were taken by a single langmuir probe at different radial positions along the z = 0 plane between the two hexapoles. The optimum setting of the device for high-density and low-energy plasma applications is (1⁄2 1 1⁄2) stub tuners and 1-cm hexapole separations. For high-density and high-energy applications, it should be operated at (1⁄2 1 1⁄2) and 3-cm separation. The maximum electron density and electron temperature reached are 2.5×1010 cm−3 and 3.8 eV, respectively.