Power and length dependence of stimulated Raman scattering in a single-mode optical fiber
We present the experimentally generated Stokes lines in a single mode optical fiber in two different lengths, pumped by the second-harmonic (532 nm) of an Nd:YAG laser. Also investigated is the Raman lines behavior for different levels of excitation power. It was observed that in our current set-up, an input power of 18.03 mW on a 43.08 m fiber will generate five Stokes lines at 546.2 nm, 559.4 nm, 573.2 nm, 588.4 nm, 592.3 nm, and 601.4 nm. However, with the same fiber, a maximum number of three Stokes lines were generated at 20.2 mW when the length was decreased to 25.08 m. Our results showed that the energy threshold for Stokes generation is strongly dependent on both pump power and interaction length.