Development of integrated terahertz optics
An integrated optics called terahertz (THz) pigtail, which comprises of an emitter, an optically transparent launching media, and a waveguide, is devised and fabricated. The InAs emitter under a 1-T magnetic field is coupled to the launching media using silicone grease, an index matching liquid. The launching media, a lens duct made from a polymer based on poly 4-methyl-1-pentene (commonly known as TPX), is designed based on the concept of guiding THz radiation into Teflon photonic crystal fiber (TPCF) waveguide by means of total internal reflection. It is found that the constructed THz lens duct is able to channel and couple the THz radiation into the TPCF waveguide with a loss of < 1 dB. The results here show that the THz pigtail can be a potential means of effectively directing THz radiation.