Simulation of molecular beam epitaxy using Das Sarma and Tamborenea model and measuring its fractal dimension
The molecular beam epitaxy was simulated using the Das Sarma and Tamborenea Model. The growths of layers were subjected to fractal dimension. Cube Counting Method was used to measure the fractal dimension of the growth layer. The obtained fractal dimension of the first layer is 2.3865 and the tenth layer is 2.8553. Fractal dimension of the layers were observed increasing as the layer grows. The model of Das Sarma and Tamborenea has a rough surface because of uneven distribution of particles during the simulation. The formations of islands were observed in the simulation. Also as the deposition continues, the formations of smaller island on the bigger islands were also observed. Both phenomena are characteristics of molecular beam epitaxy. Therefore, the model with heat activation model of Das Sarma and Tamborenea is a good approximation of molecular beam epitaxy.