Large-area superconducting YBCO thin films with high critical currents


  • Katherine Develos-Bagarinao National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, AIST Tsukuba, Japan


This study is focused on the deposition, characterization, and optimization of large-area YBCO thin films on CeO2-buffered sapphire substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) for fault-current-limiter (FCL) applications. Resistive FCL elements rely on the quality of the base material, which in this case is the YBCO superconducting thin film. Significant results have been achieved, namely: 1) A very important parameter for YBCO thin films to be used as FCL element is the current-carrying capacity, known in technical terms as the Ic/w, where Ic = critical current, w = width. For this purpose, YBCO films with very uniform values of Ic/w exceeding 100 A/cm have been successfully deposited. This is a relatively high value compared with those of large-area YBCO thin films commercially available or deposited by other methods such as thermal coevaporation and metalorganic deposition (only ~75−90 A/cm). 2) Microcracking occurs in YBCO thin films on sapphire substrates when the thickness typically exceeds 0.3 μm (critical thickness) This results to a serious limitation in the value of Ic/w. In this study, microcrack­free YBCO films with thickness exceeding 1.9 μm have been successfully grown. This is the very first reported successful growth of micron-thick YBCO films on sapphire without microcracking, where the thermal stress accumulated in the film is relieved due to its porous microstructure. In the presentation, I will discuss in detail the preparation method as well as characterization of the films including inductive measurement of the critical current density (Jc), and investigation of film morphology using advanced microscopy techniques such as atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).



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How to Cite

K Develos-Bagarinao, Large-area superconducting YBCO thin films with high critical currents, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 22, SPP-2004-INV-ST-02 (2004). URL: