Fabrication of an AC magentic susceptibility measurement system for DLSU Solid State Physics Laboratory
An AC magnetic susceptibility measurement system was developed for the DLSU Solid State Physics Laboratory. The setup consists of a primary coil that is driven by a current to generate a magnetic field inside. Two pairs of secondary coils were wound oppositely inside the primary coil to cancel their mutual inductances. The presence of a superconductor inside the coil produce a change in the flux at its superconducting state and thus result in a drop in the induced voltage which is directly proportional to the magnetic susceptibility. To obtain accurate measurements, it was necessary to phase tune the reference signal with the physical setting of the secondary coils at room temperature. This was done through the help of phasor diagrams. A standard YBCO sample was used to determine the efficiency of the setup. Results of the test had yielded a curve directly proportional to the real and imaginary parts of the magnetic susceptibility when the adjusted phase setting was along the adjusted resultant vector.