Space charge effect on the transport of a high-perveance He+ beam


  • Mamiko Sasao ⋅ JP National Institute of Fusion Science, Toki, Japan
  • Masaki Nishiura ⋅ JP National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki, Japan
  • Makoto Hamabe ⋅ JP National Institute of Fusion Science, Toki, Japan
  • Motoi Wada ⋅ JP Department of Engineering, Doshisha University, Japan
  • Tsutomu Kuroda ⋅ JP Chubu University, Japan
  • Samar K. Guharay ⋅ US Institute for Plasma Research, University of Maryland, USA
  • Henry J. Ramos ⋅ PH National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman


In the quasi-linear approximation of high perveance ion beam transport, the envelope equation for the beam radius rb can be expressed by d2rb/dz2 = (K/rb) + (εn2/rb3), where K is the generalized perveance, rb the beam radius, εn the normalized emittance, and z the direction of the beam. The perveance is a parameter for the space charge effect, and it is expressed using the characteristic beam current, I0 31 (A/Z) MA, as following: K = (I/I0)(2β−3γ−3)(1−γ2fe). The space charge, however, can be neutralized by electrons, which are produced through the beam induced ionization process in a residual gas. This effect is considered in the previous equation using the parameter fe. The space charge neutralization becomes effective with the time constant τN, the mean ionization time of the residual gas of density ng, τN = (ngσiν)−1, if the electron confinement time is much longer than τN.
In the transport of a low energy He+ beam, space charge neutralization effect is not obvious, because the ionization cross section is two orders of magnitude less than that of a proton beam in typical energy region of transport study, 30 − 100 keV. The ionization cross section of a He+ beam in a He gas and the mean neutralization time at the pressure 10−6 Torr are shown. The full neutralization can be expected only when the electron confinement time is longer than 200 ms.



Article ID



Optics and Spectroscopy



How to Cite

M Sasao, M Nishiura, M Hamabe, M Wada, T Kuroda, SK Guharay, and HJ Ramos, Space charge effect on the transport of a high-perveance He+ beam, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 18, SPP-2000-SP-13 (2000). URL: