High-temperature series expansion for the spin-1/2 Heisenberg model of the simple cubic lattice
The Heisenberg model, described by the Hamiltonian
H = − 2J ∑〈ij〉si⋅sj − 2μh ∑i siz
is used to calculate the partition function Z = Tr e−βH from which the thermodynamic functions are obtained as expansions in the variable K = βJ = J/kT. Here, si is a spin operator at the site i of the simple cubic crystal lattice, J the exchange energy between neighboring spins (and positive for ferromagnetic coupling), μ the magnetic moment, and siz the component of si, in the direction of the external magnetic field h. Formally, from the expression
N-1 ln Z = F0(K) + (βμh)2F2(K)/2 + ⋯,
the zero-field specific heat
C = Nk K2 ∂2F0(K)/∂ K2
and the susceptibility
χ = Nμ2F2(K)/kT
are found, N being the number of lattice sites. The problem is reduced to calculating the functions F0(K) and F2(K) as power series in K using the finite-lattice method.