The dark Universe: Theory and data assemblies


  • Reginald Bernardo ⋅ PH National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman


Our understanding of the Universe has vastly changed over the course of the past century specifically due to the recognition of the dark fields that dominate everything else in the cosmos. These dark fields by their very nature have evaded the views of our telescopes and we were only able to observe them indirectly via their influence on the expansion history and the formation of structure. In this talk, we review the various recent milestones in theoretical cosmology through which we are now able to understand the behavior of these optically-invisible fluids. We also look at the available cosmological data and missions in progress which aim to pinpoint the fundamental properties of these dark fluids.

About the Speaker

Reginald Bernardo, National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman

Reginald Bernardo was raised in Calamba City and entered a seminary after high school. After two years, he moved on to pursue a physics career. At the University of the Philippines Diliman, he joined the Theoretical Physics Group of the National Institute of Physics. Shortly after, he received his BS and MS degrees in 2015 and 2017, respectively, under the supervision of Jose Perico Esguerra. Then, for his PhD he joined the just-established Gravity Group under Ian Vega in 2018, obtaining his PhD degree in 2020. Outside of physics, his main interests are chatting about life and drinking, playing chess, and hiking, if not watching movies, TV series, and anime.



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Invited Presentations



How to Cite

R Bernardo, The dark Universe: Theory and data assemblies, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 39, SPP-2021-INV-1C-01 (2021). URL: