“Lively physics and exciting experiments” by Stray Cats group


  • Yoshiro Yamaoka ⋅ JP Haruhigaoka High School
  • Hisamori Yamamoto ⋅ JP Haruhigaoka High School
  • Norihiro Sugimoto ⋅ PG Divine Word University Rabaul
  • Kouichi Ishikawa ⋅ JP Masuda Seifu High School
  • Hirotaka Hayashi ⋅ JP Nagoya University
  • Junji Fujita ⋅ JP National Institute for Fusion Science


Stray Cats, the members of Physics Circle at Aichi, Gifu and Mie Prefecture in Japan, have been continuously developing new methods and tools for physics education. Starting with “Introduction” by J. Fujita, the following topics are presented with demonstration experiments: “Problems considering the mechanism of a tool and/or what is happening” and “Interesting examples of the operation” by Y. J. Yamaoka, “Maxwell’s top”, “Tornado in a plastic bottle”, “Alsomitra made with paper folding” and “Wind wheel with air convection” by H. Yamamoto, “Kundt’s experiment using a whisky bottle” and “Electromagnetic induction using umbrella coil” by N. Sugimoto, “Electromagnetic firefly” by K. Ishikawa, “Giant balloon mass measurement”, “Cloud chamber to observe cosmic rays and radiation tracks” and “Observation of the photoelectron emission in the atmosphere with polarity sensitive leaf electroscope” by H. Hayashi, and finally, “Study of a candle flame under strong electric field for physics education” and “Conclusion” by J. Fujita.



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Panel Discussions, Workshops, and Tutorials



How to Cite

Y Yamaoka, H Yamamoto, N Sugimoto, K Ishikawa, H Hayashi, and J Fujita, “Lively physics and exciting experiments” by Stray Cats group, Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas 32, SPP2014-4B-02 (2014). URL: https://proceedings.spp-online.org/article/view/1777.